Dopo il successo del tour 2022, Vanessa Benelli Mosell è stata invitata per la seconda volta dalla tedesca Klassische Philharmonie Bonn per dirigere uno dei loro tour 2023. Vanessa salirà nuovamente sul podio di alcune delle più importanti sale concerto della Germania fra cui anche la meravigliosa Konzerthaus di Berlino:


11.01.23 Meistersingerhalle, Norimberga
16.01.23 Liederhalle, Stoccarda
22.01.23 Laeiszhalle, Amburgo
22.02.23 Landesfunkhaus, Hannover
23.01.23 Rudolf-Oetker-Halle, Bielefeld
24.01.23 Konzerthaus, Berlino
18.02.23 Die Glocke, Brema
25.02.23 Maritim, Bonn


Il programma è intitolato „Bella Italia“:
Gioachino Rossini: Ouverture dal Barbiere di Siviglia
Saverio Mercadante: Concerto per flauto op. 57 con Zofia Neugebauer
Franz Schubert: Sinfonia N. 3


Durante lo scorso tour, Vanessa aveva ottenuto un ottimo riscontro dalla critica, entusiasta per la sua performance come direttrice:


“Exhilarating lyricism. Vanessa Benelli Mosell enchants the audience in the Schwarzwaldhalle.”

…The Italian living in Paris has an impressive CV. She studied in Italy, Moscow, London and Strasbourg, has conducted several orchestras throughout Europe and embodies the great potential of today’s generation of female conductors. [Wagner] The Klassische Philharmonie Bonn was excellent at interpreting the velvety soft sound that expresses this piece. Benelli Mosell worked out the endless lyrics wonderfully. [Lebrun] The soloist perfectly coordinated as in a chamber music interaction with the orchestra. The audience honored this performance with a long applause. The last part of the program fully lived up to the title of the concert series [Wiener Klassik]: Mozart’s Symphony No. 35 in D major, also known as the “Haffner Symphony”, that energetically concluded the program. As a souvenir from Benelli Mosell’s Italian homeland as an encore, the overture to the opera buffa “L’Italiana in Algeri” by Gioachino Rossini, which triggered enthusiasm and a long applause from the audience.” – Sarah Lindenmayer, BNN


Vanessa Benelli Mosell is a Universal musical genius.”

“She must have an unlimited capacity for absorption, because the program … even though it does not contain unusual compositions, it’s also not the most common repertoire pieces. So she must have had to learn everything anew. Vanessa Benelli Mosell performed with an admirable assurance and modesty. After the first bars it was clear that this was matched by a straightforward and elegant conducting. This is exactly what Richard Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll did particularly well. The audience could experience the tenderness of the beginning, the blossoming of the great middle section …  and the peaceful conclusion without any bombast as a true idyll.” [Mozart] It made impression and caused long applause, but the encore, Rossini’s … with its simple, pleasing and effective structures, caused storms of applause.” – Westfalenblatt

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